Chives – Allium schoenoprasum is a hardy perennial. A culinary herb with green cylindrical leaves that has a mild onion flavour. Decorative mauve flowers in the summer that are also attractive to bees and pollinators.
Fairly tolerant of conditions but best in a rich, moist soil in a mainly sunny position. Chives will die back over winter. Plants look great in the border or even as an edging plant in the herb garden where they will look very attractive if allowed to flower. Chives will also grow quite happy in pots or containers.
For constant culinary use it is best to prevent flowering, but who can resist the decorative mass of mauve flowers!
Try in salads, soups, cheese or egg dishes. Add at the end of cooking to get the best flavour. Flowers are also edible and make a particularly decorative garnish
Height: 0.3-0.6 m
Aspect: Sunny or partial shade
Soil Type: Moist and rich
Uses: Many culinary uses
Care: Herbaceous - split clump when dormant